The simplest CMake possible

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Most of us are already exposed to or familiar with build systems like MSBuild or Make and well, we already know how difficult it is to maintain really huge codebases or craft really big MSBuild or Makefiles, and then, add targeting multiple platforms for a native developer!

Enter the meta build systems.

Basically what they do is to describe what we want to build and then from that it generates a native build script using Makefile or Ninja or MSBuild or even a project file for your IDE!

There are a few meta build systems out there, and CMake is one of them. I am writing this as a reminder of how easy it is to start with CMake and the awesome things you can do with it.

Hello world

We need some simple source code for this, assuming the file name is hello.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("hello world\n");

Well, the simplest CMakeLists.txt file for this would be something like this:

add_executable (hello hello.c)

Now, let’s tell CMake to do the magic for us by running this on the command line:

cmake .

If you are running in macOS or Linux with Make installed you will find… a Makefile! (or if you are running on Windows with Visual Studio installed you will find a Visual Studio solution named Project.sln or something like that). Let’s assume you are using Make, so to compile just run:


Done. You will be able to run our hello world application!

Extending the sample

Well, if you check the output from CMake you will find a weird warning about the required version. This is because with every version of CMake they introduce new commands and things like that, so it is a good idea to tell to whoever is building the script what is the minimum required version of CMake to build this app; it is a simple command and it costs nothing. In my case my the current version of CMake is 3.6.1, so let’s say the minimum required is 3.6:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6)
add_executable (hello hello.c)

As I mentioned before, if you do this in Windows you will get a Project.sln file; that is not good, we want to give to our project an awesome name. Let’s do that:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6)
project (HelloCMake)
add_executable (hello hello.c)

And that is the simplest zero-warning CMake file we can do!


Let’s make a simple library, starting with the header file, let’s call this file greeter.h:

void sayHello();

And well, the body of the library will of course live in a greeter.c file:

#include <stdio.h>

void sayHello() {
    printf("Hello world\n");

Now it is just a matter of telling CMake that we want to build a library as well:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6)
project (HelloCMake)
add_executable (hello hello.c)
add_library (libgreeter greet.c)

Run CMake again and done, you have your library… But wait, if you check the output you will see a static library, not a dynamic library! This is because CMake will create a static library by default when building libraries. Time to change that:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6)
project (HelloCMake)
add_executable (hello hello.c)
add_library (libgreeter SHARED greet.c)

Easy, now you will see your dynamic library there (.dynlib, .so, .dll) but sadly you are not doing anything with it. Time to change our hello.c file a little:

#include "greeter.h"

int main() {

Now, if we try to compile this it will fail! Well, this happens because we are building the library but not linking to it. Let’s fix that in the CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6)
project (HelloCMake)
add_executable (hello hello.c)
add_library (libgreeter SHARED greet.c)
target_link_libraries (hello libgreeter)

You can see the pattern here, when using CMake functions put first the destination and later the sources.

Well, I think that is enough for today with simple CMake files, we will continue later with more about CMake.